Hunter Academies


All Hunter Academies courses are equivalent to a semester-length high school class but can be completed in an accelerated format. 

Students must spend a minimum of four weeks in any college preparatory course. A student who registers at the beginning of a term will have at least sixteen weeks to complete the semester course.

The tuition rates are as follows. All rates are PER COURSE

Full Time


$4,995 (K-5)

$5,995 (6-8)

$6,995 (9-12)

$750 (K-5)
$800 (6-8)
$1000 (9-12)

$1200 (AP Course)

Semester Tuition

One-Semester Courses

$3,800 (K-12)

$500 (K-12) Per Course

Application fee: $100

Registration/Enrollment: $100 (One-Time Fee)

Graduation Fee: $100

Teacher-to-student and student-to-student interaction occurs frequently in this format using almost exclusively asynchronous communication features such as email and discussion boards. Live, synchronous communication may be used at the teacher’s discretion